(Educational Services)


Address- 99A, Mangalwar Peth, Pune-11

Email id- 

Contact- 9970098859


About Illuminate Biology-

Illuminate Biology is an MSME-registered microenterprise serving in the educational field. Started in 2023 by a young entrepreneur, Mr. Shubham K. Pandey, with the aim of presenting education in an innovative way by offering various skill courses, organizing various competitions, awareness drives, day celebrations, award events for learners and educators, etc. Illuminate Biology (IB) has successfully organized multiple grand events for the past year. 

Misssion and Vision- To provide quality education, educational services and promote sustainability.


Our events-

IB Women's Excellence Award

IB Elocution Competition for Educators

IB Science Quizzard Season 1.0


IB Education Awards

IB Shikshan Samman

IB Student of the Year Award

IB Principals Conclave and Award Ceremony

IB Art Wizzard: A National-Level Drawing Competition

IB National Teacher Olympiad on NEP 2020

IB Paint for Birds.

IB Science Quizzard Season 2.0

IB Nari Shakti Samman

IB Green Earth Award 

IB Guru Dakshina Award

IB Education Awards Season 2.0

IB Cricket Cup.

IB SDG Contest.

IB SDG Frontier Awards.

IB Teaching Excellence Awards.

IB Student of the Year Award Season 2.0.

IB Gem of Education Awards.

IB Biochamps- An Interschool Biology Quiz Competition.

IB Ramanujan Legacy Award.

IB Poetry Recitation Competition for Pre-Primary Section in association with Little Genius Preschool.

IB Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti Colouring Competition in association with Little Genius Preschool.


Our skill courses-

Certificate Course in Vermiculture

Certificate Course in Apiculture

Certificate course in Pisciculture 

Certificate Course in Lac Culture

Certificate Course in Spoken English

Certificate Course in Public Speaking

Our awareness drive & resource lectures -

Healthy habits for toddlers & adolescents

Space Sciences

Career Counseling 

Good Touch & Bad Touch 

Financial Literacy and Numeracy 

Teacher Training & Workshops- 

Effective Teaching & Techniques.

Stress Management. 

Expertise in using ICT for effective teaching. 

All the training will be provided with high quality content & certificates.

Other Educational Supports & Services-

Event & competition organisation for schools. Hosting for Annual Day. 

Awards for schools, director, Chairman, Principal, teachers & Students. 

Certificate designing & printing, trophies, flex, brochure, logo designing & availability. 


We are an Award Winning Institute at ESFE 2023. Best Coaching Classes in Science from Star Education Awards 2023.

We are the Winner of Global Sustainability Awards 2024.


Our Founder & CEO- 

Founder of Illuminate Biology- Mr. Shubham K Pandey 

CEO of Illuminate Biology- Ms. Smita Ubale



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