Ozone layer- The Shield of Mother Earth

Ozone Layer- The Shield of Mother Earth 

An informative article by 

Shubham K Pandey 

(Founder of Illuminate Biology)

World Ozone Day is observed on 16 September annually. On this day in 1987, the Montreal Protocol was signed. Since 1994, World Ozone Day has been celebrated which was established by the United Nations General Assembly. This day reminds people about the depletion of the Ozone Layer and to find solutions to preserve it.

The ozone layer! A vital component of our planet's atmosphere, protecting us from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Here are some key facts about the ozone layer:

1. _Location_: The ozone layer is situated in the stratosphere, about 15-30 km above the Earth's surface.

2. _Ozone molecules_: It's composed of ozone (O3) molecules, which absorb UV radiation, preventing it from reaching the Earth's surface.

3. _Importance_: The ozone layer protects living organisms from UV radiation, which can cause:

    - Skin cancer

    - Cataracts

    - Immune system suppression

    - Damage to crops and marine ecosystems

4. _Depletion_: The ozone layer was depleted due to the release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone-depleting substances (ODS).

5. _Montreal Protocol_: The 1987 Montreal Protocol aimed to reduce ODS emissions, leading to a gradual recovery of the ozone layer.

6. _Recovery_: The ozone layer is slowly recovering, with a projected return to pre-1980 levels by the 2060s.

Remember, the ozone layer is a crucial shield for our planet, and continued protection efforts are essential to maintain its integrity!


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