Sustainable Development Goals- Goal of Mankind


Sustainable Development Goals- 
Goal of Mankind

An informative article by 
Mr. Shubham K Pandey 
(Founder of Illuminate Biology)

Sustainable development refers to meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It balances economic, social, and environmental considerations to ensure a livable future.

Three pillars of sustainable development:

1. _Economic development_: Encourages economic growth, poverty reduction, and job creation.

2. _Social development_: Focuses on social justice, human rights, and community well-being.

3. _Environmental protection_: Protects natural resources, biodiversity, and ecosystem services.

Key principles:

1. _Intergenerational equity_: Ensures resources are available for future generations.

2. _Intra-generational equity_: Promotes fair distribution of resources within the current generation.

3. _Integration_: Balances economic, social, and environmental considerations.

4. _Participation_: Encourages stakeholder involvement in decision-making processes.

Sustainable development goals (SDGs):

1. _End poverty_

2. _Zero hunger_

3. _Good health and well-being_

4. _Quality education_

5. _Gender equality_

6. _Clean water and sanitation_

7. _Affordable and clean energy_

8. _Decent work and economic growth_

9. _Industry, innovation, and infrastructure_

10. _Reduced inequalities_

11. _Sustainable cities and communities_

12. _Responsible consumption and production_

13. _Climate action_

14. _Life below water_

15. _Life on land_

16. _Peace, justice, and strong institutions_

17. _Partnerships for the goals_

Implementing sustainable development requires collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to creating a better future for all.


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