Illuminate Biology Education Awards -2023 Proud Winner-Balvinder Kaur Kooner ( Winner of Illuminate Biology Best Coordinator Award)

 Illuminate Biology Education Awards -2023 

-by Shubham K Pandey, Founder Illuminate Biology

Congratulations to the Proud Winner- 

Balvinder Kaur Kooner ( Winner of Illuminate Biology Best Coordinator Award)

A brief introduction of  Balvinder Kaur Kooner

Balvinder Kaur Kooner

(MA, B.ed. Coordinator Arya Gurukul School experience- 18 years)

Achievement- Top 10 teachers of the year -GTEA- Global Teaching Excellence Awards - 2021  MIEE -Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert 2021.

A learner who believes in creating a positive, supportive and thriving learning environment at school among the learners. Character Building: Stresses the importance of morals and significantly reduces disciplinary problems. Educational background. 


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